Task 1: The march for our lives
- Lees de volgende zinnetjes om de video beter te begrijpen, kijk de video en maak de vragen.
- assault rifle - a gun that can shoot many bullets quickly
- campaigner - a person who does all kinds of activities to reach a particular result
- banned - forbidden
- devastated - very shocked
- stance - opinion
- to reinforce - to make stronger
- to exercise your rights - to make use of your rights
- to voice your opinions - to say out loud what you think of something
- restrictions - rules that give people less freedom in having or doing specific things
- comprehensive - including a lot of things
- high-capacity magazines - magazines (magazijnen) that can hold more than the standard number of rounds (patronen)
Kijk de volgende video:
Beantwoord de volgende vragen:
- How do the teenagers in the video use guns?
- What effect has the recent school shooting had on their opinion (mening) on guns?
- Are they planning to join the other students in the march?
- Which actions for better gun control do they support?
- What good could “a good guy with a gun” do?
Task 2: Something to chew on
22 April is International Earth Day. This year, the focus is on ending plastic pollution. British designer Anna Bullus has the same focus. She is on a mission to recycle chewing gum.
Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- to obtain - to get
- petrochemicals - chemicals that are made from petroleum or natural gas
- bins - a can for trash or garbage
- dedicated - used only for one particular purpose
- to persuade - to make someone do or believe something by giving good reasons
- scheme - an official plan or programme
- to process - to prepare something and change it from one form into another
- to mould - to form or press something that is soft into a particular shape
First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.
- What is the most common litter in the UK?
- Name the main ingredient of chewing gum.
- Anna created bins specially for disposing of gum. What are these bins made of?
- What happens with the recycled gum?
- What effect can right design have according to Anna?
Task 3: The beast from the east
It’s cold all over Europe. The cold weather is coming from Siberia. It is called: "The Beast from the East". Gavin in Scotland doesn’t mind.
Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- to remember - to know something from earlier, to have earlier information in your mind
- to pretend - to act as if something is true when it is not true
- bit - part or piece of something
- to stick to what you know - to only do what you already know and not try something new
First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.
- When was the last time that Gavin built snowman?
- Does Gavin know how to build a snowman?
- Gavin decides to stick to what he knows. What does he already know how to do?
Extra listening and writing assignment
- Watch the video once more.
- Listen carefully at 1:16. What does Gavin say?
- Write the comment Gavin is asking for.
Task 4: Time to come clean
How often do you clean your phone? Is it even necessary? Katie wants to find out.
Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.
- bugs - very small insects; also: bacteria
- toilet seat - "wc-bril"
- to hang out - to spend time relaxing, talking or doing fun stuff
- manky - dirty
- special gadget - small, useful tool or machine
- gross - very disgusting; very unpleasant
- harmful - dangerous; causing damage
- squeaky-clean - completely clean
First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.
- What do toilet seats have to do with phones?
- Name 3 things many people do at the same time as using their phones.
- Name the 3 categories of phone dirtiness.
- Are all bugs on your phone harmful?
- How many of the kids have clean phones?
- Whose phone is dirtier: Katie’s or Mr O’Callahan’s?
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