Task 1: The march for our lives


  1. Lees de volgende zinnetjes om de video beter te begrijpen, kijk de video en maak de vragen.


  • assault rifle - a gun that can shoot many bullets quickly
  • campaigner - a person who does all kinds of activities to reach a particular result
  • banned - forbidden
  • devastated - very shocked
  • stance - opinion
  • to reinforce - to make stronger
  • to exercise your rights - to make use of your rights
  • to voice your opinions - to say out loud what you think of something
  • restrictions - rules that give people less freedom in having or doing specific things
  • comprehensive - including a lot of things
  • high-capacity magazines - magazines (magazijnen) that can hold more than the standard number of rounds (patronen)


Kijk de volgende video:

Beantwoord de volgende vragen:


  1. How do the teenagers in the video use guns?


  1. What effect has the recent school shooting had on their opinion (mening) on guns?


  1. Are they planning to join the other students in the march?


  1. Which actions for better gun control do they support?


  1. What good could “a good guy with a gun” do?

Task 2: Something to chew on



22 April is International Earth Day. This year, the focus is on ending plastic pollution. British designer Anna Bullus has the same focus. She is on a mission to recycle chewing gum.

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions.

  • to obtain - to get
  • petrochemicals - chemicals that are made from petroleum or natural gas
  • bins - a can for trash or garbage
  • dedicated - used only for one particular purpose
  • to persuade - to make someone do or believe something by giving good reasons
  • scheme - an official plan or programme
  • to process - to prepare something and change it from one form into another
  • to mould - to form or press something that is soft into a particular shape


First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.


  1. What is the most common litter in the UK?


  1. Name the main ingredient of chewing gum.


  1. Anna created bins specially for disposing of gum. What are these bins made of?


  1. What happens with the recycled gum?


  1. What effect can right design have according to Anna?

Task 3: The beast from the east

It’s cold all over Europe. The cold weather is coming from Siberia. It is called: "The Beast from the East". Gavin in Scotland doesn’t mind. 

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. 


  • to remember - to know something from earlier, to have earlier information in your mind
  • to pretend - to act as if something is true when it is not true
  • bit - part or piece of something
  • to stick to what you know - to only do what you already know and not try something new


First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.

  1. When was the last time that Gavin built snowman?


  1. Does Gavin know how to build a snowman?


  1. Gavin decides to stick to what he knows. What does he already know how to do?

Extra listening and writing assignment

  1. Watch the video once more.
  2. Listen carefully at 1:16. What does Gavin say?
  3. Write the comment Gavin is asking for.

Task 4: Time to come clean

How often do you clean your phone? Is it even necessary? Katie wants to find out.

Read the following words and phrases and their definitions. 


  • bugs - very small insects; also: bacteria
  • toilet seat - "wc-bril"
  • to hang out - to spend time relaxing, talking or doing fun stuff
  • manky - dirty
  • special gadget - small, useful tool or machine
  • gross - very disgusting; very unpleasant
  • harmful - dangerous; causing damage
  • squeaky-clean - completely clean


First read the assignment. Next watch the video. Take notes to help you do the assignment.

  1. What do toilet seats have to do with phones?


  1. Name 3 things many people do at the same time as using their phones.


  1. Name the 3 categories of phone dirtiness.


  1. Are all bugs on your phone harmful?


  1. How many of the kids have clean phones?


  1. Whose phone is dirtier: Katie’s or Mr O’Callahan’s?

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