Lesson 2:  Animal hunt

1. The Kookaburra


The kookaburra https://www.australiazoo.com.au/our-animals/birds/kingfishers/laughing-kookaburra is a snake eating bird. It has an unusual call. Listen to the call. What does it souns like? Describe the sound in your notebook.


2. the platypus

2.) the female platypus digs a long nest tunnel. How many eggs does she lay?



3) What does the male platypus have on its hind legs that a female doesn't have?





a) How many times a minute does an echidna flick its tongue?

b) What does it eat?

5.  https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/f/frilled-lizard/

Name three ways the frilled lizard defends itself.


6. http://www.kangaroofootprints.com.au/species.htm

Kangaroos are only found in Australia and New Guinea. 

How many species (kinds) of kangaroos are there?


7. http://www.wwf.org.au/what-we-do/species#gs.ZVZkPuQ

What two animals are endangering the Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby?

8. Do some digging on the internet. What kind of bird is a lorikeet? 

9. Emus are a large, flightless bird native to Australia.
Compare your hieght with an emu. Who is taller? 

10. http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=4765

a)Write several interetsing facts about the Tasmanian tiger.

 b)Where can you see a living one today?

You decide to open a zoo.


11a) What must you worry about if you want to have wombats?



11b) You want to have a koala in your zoo. What food do they need?


11c) The zoo will be divided into similar groups of animals.
The thorny devil will be in which section: the mammal area | the birds area | the reptile house?
(Use your Internet research skills to find the answer.) 

11d) Use the information at to select an animal you would hope to see on a trip to Australia.

Explain where you would look for them.


12) Time left? Here is a printable worksheets. You will practice the animal names in English again!

word search animal
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